Monday 31 March 2014

Thanks to St.Luke’s Innovative Resources

Mama Vernon is definitely the Sooka Community's unofficial ambassador, here she tells about her encounter with St Luke's Innovative Resources...

I have been given some St.Luke’s Innovative Resources, strength cards that are used in councelling situations or as conversation starters. Russell Deal (Social Worker) who has actually designs most of the sets of cards and has written many of their children’s books and other resources, was very interested in hearing about Sooka Community School and has very generously donated the cards. I will show the teachers how to use them and leave them at the school. I also have one set I think will be suitable for the OVC Councelling centre in Mwandi.

Russell and I had a car trip together to attend a Forum. Russell was our guest speaker and demonstrated the use of the cards to a large attendance of professionals working in the Mental Health field. 

Russell also loves Africa and has travelled to many countries teaching the usefulness of the resources. Once I started talking about Zambia… there was no stopping me and he enjoyed hearing the stories.
On my return, St.Luke’s Innovative Resources, based in Bendigo, Victoria (about 1700km south of Tamworth, NSW) has asked me to write an article about the school for their newsletter.
Thank you, St.Luke’s for your very generous donation to the Sooka community.

St. Luke's Innovative Resources Cards
In December 2013, I was in Sydney for work and three of us went down a day early, to spend some non-work related time in the beautiful city.

Whilst we were there we attended the Yoko Ono exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art and there were many ‘hands on’ things to do. One table had broken crockery, glue, sticky tape and string and you were encouraged to make an item and place it on a shelf (which then became part of Yoko’s exhibition). As is was nearing Christmas, and there were two broken pieces of a plate that looked to me like angels wings, I created a rustic angel, all the time thinking of ‘the Angels of Sooka’, past and present. My friend sent this photo today of my completed angel. I wonder if Yoko Ono ever saw it??

Joyce with 'Sooka Angel' at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

What a way to travel home from work! We were tourists in our state capital, Sydney


  1. Hi there, I am so inspired by mama Vernon and what she and others are doing in Sooka - how do I get in touch with her?
    Thanks for an insight into Africa.
    Best wishes

  2. Thank you for your nice comment.
    You can contact me via Shackleton's Lodge. Mama Vernon


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